The first day I met you it was so amazing. I saw nothing but I felt so much. The times when you rescued me from those who were there to harm me and from saved me from myself. I felt like I was not worth the speck of paint that was used to put on a canvas. Then one day you came and showed me a dream, a dream that you started in the beginning of time. You showed me a first darkness, then there was water under my toes, but there was something that went up my nose, a breath of life to help me see; the picture you were painting. Then there came a steady bright Light that showed a world not yet formed nor made, but in that Light there was peace calmness, I wondered what it was. Then I heard the sound of Thunder and as it, roared things began to appear. Waters were moving in the midst that air that I felt up my nose was centered there. Then there was a pulling away of the waters that you left below and some brown stuff start to show. You said that is called earth and then the thunder roared again but it was clear that it was someone speaking, although, it boomed it was ever so gentle. Then I saw trees, then flowers and animals and creatures running and jumping out of the water. I thought to myself what a pretty picture. Then all of a sudden, there was something forming from the dust, some dust that almost looks like rust. He was what he called a man, his job was to name the animals and control them, just to watch over the place, He also gave him a rule that demanded to stay away from a tree that was in my eyes so beautiful to me. Although I did not understand, it was yet God's command. Then one day the man began to get lonely. He talks to the animals, but they seemed not to understand.
I understood His every word. Then the thunder started again, and He put the man to sleep, it really made me wonder, what could be so deep, in his body that you are pulling out his flesh, then I felt a pain in my side, the thunder said, it is your time to rise. I watched in amazement as He created my legs, my breast, my toes, and the hair on my head. It flowed so long, so deep and so complete, He told me I was to be His helpmeet. I never knew exactly what He meant, but as I awaken from what I thought was just a dream, I am now in this painting, that He created for me. I saw the man stand before me and we were so complete, He said I was woman, it made me laugh, because He created me just like that Woe-Man…Because I must admit...woe-I was fine. My name was Eve- for I was mother of all living. He said that I am bone of his bone and flesh of his flesh, then I said oh I get that, because I was made from you and for you. As I looked at my man I saw, something that I wanted to cherish, the relationship he had with the man that created this masterpiece.
As the days go by, I realized that we were free and happy, and we were made to be there for Him, we call Him God because He is the creator of all. Well after He created us, He took a rest, and we just walk through the Garden, oh it has called the Garden of Eden. He told us who He was and how we came to be, I liked that part when He got to me. It made me feel special because I was seeing it all happen, except a small part when I feel asleep. He said He made something special in me, just for Adam and Me. He told everything to be fruitful and multiply, He looked at us with a sparkle in His eye. Every day on this day, we all would walk, but this day was special, we always learned more about Him. He was very mysterious, never knew what He would say next. One day Adam came to me and said do not forget…I said forget what? He said never to eat from that tree…God said it was forbidden for you and me. When I looked at the tree my mind said why, but I quickly relinquished it for He was the twinkle of my eye.
One day I decided to go for a walk, and did I find myself right in front of that tree. I was curious to know why we could touch it. Then I heard a voice, but it was sly and cunning, he questioned me on why I could not touch it. I then remembered God saying I should not even go near it, then I tried to step away the voice said come closer. This was not a familiar voice that I have heard within the garden I asked Him how he knows me and what is doing here, he said I want to answer the question that you desire, what dwelled in you before you came here. I heard you say that God said that you could not eat or come near me..I mean this tree. It is because He does not want you to be smart as He. As we talk my mind remembered all the times My God and husband and I had together, but the snake said you can still have all that just now you’ll never have to wonder why, you can’t come near me…I mean this tree. He was so cunning and tempted me with the fruit. As I bit into it I felt different, uncovered unveiled, not lovely, just a shell. I felt alone and torn apart. Then I wondered where they were. I wanted to show my husband what I have done, he cried at the thought as he bit our new world was undone. We hid from God as he came through the garden. He blamed my husband and not me. I wondered why this snake did this to me. As we all stood before him, my mind began to wonder over my husband’s body, with a feeling of longing and wonder, I was no longer longing for the relationship He had with our Father. I was ashamed for God was angry. He still covered us, maybe He knew what I was feeling. He said that we could no longer live there, so He sent an angle to cast us out of the garden, my home. However, not before cursing that old serpent, I wondered what that was all about. He told my husband he will sweat, I wondered what was that, he said in birth I would be in pain, but that was also a mystery to me. As me and husband journeyed on, he never ceased to talk to God, I felt that this was my entire fault, then I remembered the Light that was so calm. Whenever I would feel sad and ashamed, I would remember the Light and secretly call on His name. My husband and I found that secret gift that God gave us, and we gave birth to two sons. It was a hard pain that should never have been, if I would have been faithful.
My son’s names were Cain and Able. Able was Gods favorite, He did everything right before My Lord. Cain was the opposite he always tried to cut corners always wondered and thought what if, I wondered was he his mother’s son. Adam worked hard. So did the boys. I did not know the anger building in my oldest son against his brother. When I found out what he had done to Able I thought when I heard it, it was a fable. My son who loved God so was now dead his blood screaming from the ground, as if it was saying it is your entire fault, you just wanted to know what the tree did. Cain’s Name meant acquisition- for he was the firstborn and was to become owner over all that is ours. Abel’s name meant vanity, vapor, breath, maybe that is why he was not with me long. God cursed Cain and any who killed him would be cursed and killed. Adam and I gave birth to another son named Seth. Seth meant He set or appointed or replacement. I remembered that Light that I found so much peace and calmness in and later found out that through my son Seth who is really a replacement of his father and Able, He would give the begging seed to that Light whom in your world is called Jesus Christ.
I made a mistake long ago and God had to correct that mistake a hundred times over, now that Jesus has come, you can be covered for your old mistakes and not make the same new ones, or you can bare your own burdens, when time runs out for you to get right before God. God has blessed me through my sons and daughters, now you must bless your sons and daughters through the name of Jesus. Give up letting the devil conn you out of life. Live for your husband and your wife, your sons and your daughters, that you will not to bare the pain that I bore so long ago. God will forgive you, He gave me an appointed son, that His appointed Son may live, die, and resurrect to bring life to all who will accept His name.
People give Eve a bad name, because she was tempted and overcome by her temptation, but it never stated in the bible that she sinned again before the Lord her nor Adam, How many of our records can say the same. How many times have we repented but only to fall again? Lady’s our curse was to be for our husbands, and our husbands for God {US TOO}. SO if you have a good Godly man build him up and show him that you are there for Him that you both can rest on the Holy day {SABBATH} with GOD. Please repent {give thanks to God for sparring you even in your sin, and totally ask forgiveness and never do that sin again}, walk from then on in the Lords hands and you will inherit eternal life; or pay the consequences as our ancestors did.
Get your family together. For Jesus is coming, and He is looking for that tree of Life, that it may once again be planted in His Garden. Please everyone, love God enough to do what is right in His eyes.
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