ON 11.15.2010
Oh Lord,
Its been a while since I have commited this sin in your sight. I have been holding my body as a living sacrifice for you. My body fights daily against my mind. My body calls out to me saying "Give me what I need to feel strong, powerful, loved, and free..But my spirit calls out saying, " The only way to be free is thru me". How is it that my body calls from this dead place in which I have cast it to, in order to walk purely this walk for you. It burns deep within the places that it once felt pleasure. But yet it craves only for one that can love it forever. Why is this ex-fornicators fight so heavy. You said that you can cast out the sin to the sea of forgetfulness, can you do the same with the memory of the pleasure that it once recieved, not from the sex itself, but from the pain that it was so accustomed to. My body had been abused so many times in this manner, that somewhere along the road it believed that it was supposed to be that way, so it craves now what it thought was pleasure. From the age of 11 men of older ages tried to make it to the place where you dwell. But they couldnt cause in my mind they were destined to hell. My cries and woes that I called out long ago, was replaced with a sense that, it is my power. If this is what they want, then this will I give, but it would cost them dearly, for the price of my tears. I have cast out this thing from me. But the memory is burning fresh. It is causing me such anquish and distress. How will you rid me of this tormoil and torment? Please God take away this flame with in me this fire that wishes not to set me free. For it is not with the hand that the pleasure is recieved but from the water, that flows beneath me. Lord help me, I am crying out. Not to have a husband to take away the draught, but the ability to sustain, and recieve self control, that I once knew only in my younger youth. So many things have befalled me with this sin, How God and when will you take it away. I have not known the pleasure that a real husband can give, prepare me for this that I can be eternally his. Lord you said that nothing is impossible for you. I am not a virgin, but its not by choice. But I want to feel purity, and able to boast to the world, what a beatiful bride I can be..for the power of God rest within me. My time on this earth is short so I need you to make hast unto me...that my soul be saved and I live with you for eternity. Please let not this pain that I have endured all these years, be for nought, and replaced more with tears. Lord you are my rock my sword and my shield. I need you to help me and others who go thru the same...for this is a good time for it to rain. Rain down your blessings and let them soak within me. For I am feeling now what love really is. No touch from a man can ever feel the same. If its not in your then all I feel is a mark that reference shame. How can one be pleased with this sin any longer. For I cannot judge for I was once a whoremonger. The thing is after it was taken I gave it up freely, thinking that if not they would take freely. I no not how to fight this shame, for the four still remains, to remind me daily of all the pain. Thru them u gave me life, and saved my soul from eternal death, now I ask that you let not this same shame be put upon them, this same pain become their own. Lord, my sin is mine alone to carry, pass by my next generations and even those after until the end of time, that they may be with you to praise you hereafter. Let not the words fornication be named upone once more, that I may be an example for those who ask me what for? Why do you restrain yourself from the pleasure of life? I have one answer for them, because I am a loser...what do i mean you say? The word of the Lord says those that lose their life (now) will gain eternal life. Id rather be a loser now, then a loser later. This world has nothing to offer me...not thing at all..for I tryied many ways to live...but pain is what I recall. Time is up for me...but its just beginning for you. Start today keeping God in your life that none of these thing fall upon you. A childs innocence taken, is an adults worse nightmare..pray for you and your children...cause Satan is just starting. Ask God to send a hedge around them that no one can penetrate, for only God knows where he is, and later He shall incarcerate. He will lock satan up in the end, and cast him into destruction, just make sure your in the first resurrection. Fornication is the only sin that is against the body, that is why now mine cries, and wails to feel what it thought was well. Some say its better to have loved than to have not loved at all, if it wasn't your husband, child, or family and friends, throw that saying to the floor. For love is not sex...nor will it ever be...Love is the relationship between God and me.
I love you fbf, GFWf, and all my relatives....rid your self of this sin now...for God is coming back...He doesn't understand this sin...for He said that you can endure all things...even the cries of the body...let it cry it will shut up, when He sends you your purpose. Your body was created as a vessel for Him...He cannot enter into...something dirty and full of sin. Clean yourselves, not with soap and water...but with the blood of Jesus Christ. For His will is strong...if you will just become a living sacrifice. If a husband is what you crave He will create Him especially for you...just like He did Adam in Genessis 2. Eve came from him, and from God. He has done it for you, for our bodies he carved. Love your body, let not no one abuse it, its not love..its not care..if they cant even marry you. Your not a cow for sale by a merchant....You are a budding angle...waiting for her wings...The man that God will send will cause you to fly and sing.. For this is a Ex-fornicators prayer, not a romance novel in practice....although I have not experienced this flight...God holds me thru the night....Lord I still pray for your help....and so do they..Help us to wait for our wings...and then with you will we sing.
I love you God....for helping me see....that an ex-fornicator is not shameful....especially when she is professing you as her all and all. My body is for mind is for flesh will submit to spirit worships you.....But most importantly when my final rest shall come may I rest in you...and be raised up on the last day...and dwell with you for eternity.
This is a site for believers and non-believers who want to get to know God and or just talk about the everyday things that life puts on us. We are here to cry together and to laugh together. Write freely, but with respect to others.
When times get hard the word Love brings about peace,
when times get rough showing Love brings gratitude,
but when someone one else is in a storm of their own giving Love is a gift all its own. Lets try doing that all day and see how many gifts we receive from that alone.
L- is for the way you look at me
O-is your the only one I see
V-is very very extraordinary
E-is even more than any one could adore
and LOVE is all that I can give to You Love is just a silly game for two, two in Love can make it, take my heart and please don't break it LOVE was made for me and YOU. His Name is Jesus.
when times get rough showing Love brings gratitude,
but when someone one else is in a storm of their own giving Love is a gift all its own. Lets try doing that all day and see how many gifts we receive from that alone.
L- is for the way you look at me
O-is your the only one I see
V-is very very extraordinary
E-is even more than any one could adore
and LOVE is all that I can give to You Love is just a silly game for two, two in Love can make it, take my heart and please don't break it LOVE was made for me and YOU. His Name is Jesus.

- Seeking God For Answers
- Lancaster, Texas, United States
- I am a single mother of four beautiful children. I have had my share of weight of the world and decided to make a page just for people who want to be able to talk about everyday situations and get things off of their chest. Many times the thing that we lack the most in life is someone to talk to and show us unconditional compassion. I am a Christian woman, so many topics that are related to helpful hints to overcome are good. I completed my BA Psychology degree in 2010 at Argosy University. I am currently enrolled in Liberty University in the Master of Arts Marriage and Family Therapist. My goal is to become a Psychologist on the Doctoral level which I hope to start by next fall. I have decided to make this site because it is nice to have someone to talk to every once in a while. So weather you need a poem to write or a shoulder to cry on I am here. I am not trying to do some experiment this is me, I really do care.
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