When times get hard the word Love brings about peace,
when times get rough showing Love brings gratitude,
but when someone one else is in a storm of their own giving Love is a gift all its own. Lets try doing that all day and see how many gifts we receive from that alone.

L- is for the way you look at me
O-is your the only one I see
V-is very very extraordinary
E-is even more than any one could adore
and LOVE is all that I can give to You Love is just a silly game for two, two in Love can make it, take my heart and please don't break it LOVE was made for me and YOU. His Name is Jesus.


My photo
Lancaster, Texas, United States
I am a single mother of four beautiful children. I have had my share of weight of the world and decided to make a page just for people who want to be able to talk about everyday situations and get things off of their chest. Many times the thing that we lack the most in life is someone to talk to and show us unconditional compassion. I am a Christian woman, so many topics that are related to helpful hints to overcome are good. I completed my BA Psychology degree in 2010 at Argosy University. I am currently enrolled in Liberty University in the Master of Arts Marriage and Family Therapist. My goal is to become a Psychologist on the Doctoral level which I hope to start by next fall. I have decided to make this site because it is nice to have someone to talk to every once in a while. So weather you need a poem to write or a shoulder to cry on I am here. I am not trying to do some experiment this is me, I really do care.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Just sitting here thinking of the process of development of development of the human body. The first thing to develop is the brain and the heart it is as if they never exist without the other.... The brain is what gives the heart Life and the heart in returns gives life to the brain. amazing huh. But the brains gives the heart the ability to hold within it the power of life the blood the blood is what carries the life throughout out the body then returns it to the brain but the cycle has a two fold process the blood is filtered more that three times before that part that travels to the brain can go. Only the blood that carried oxygenated blood is able to go to the brain mmmmm amazing right this means that only the blood that has life can return to the brain. God is the brain and Jesus is the heart. Jesus sends blood throughout the body to be filtered and have a chance to ensure life in the process you have cells that don't hold the oxygen or that has died because the can't take in the oxygen or are diseased but only those that have life can make it to the brain.

Just sitting here thinking of the process of development of development of the human body. The first thing to develop is the brain and the heart it is as if they never exist without the other.... The brain is what gives the heart Life and the heart in returns gives life to the brain. amazing huh. But the brains gives the heart the ability to hold within it the power of life the blood the blood is what carries the life throughout out the body then returns it to the brain but the cycle has a two fold process the blood is filtered more that three times before that part that travels to the brain can go. Only the blood that carried oxygenated blood is able to go to the brain mmmmm amazing right this means that only the blood that has life can return to the brain. God is the brain and Jesus is the heart. Jesus sends blood throughout the body to be filtered and have a chance to ensure life in the process you have cells that don't hold the oxygen or that has died because the can't take in the oxygen or are diseased but only those that have life can make it to the brain.
The body of God works in the same way God sends the message to the heart to send out the people of God to send out the oxygen that it may be delivered throughout the Body and to get to the main source the brain but in it there are those who never make it because they lack the oxygen the holy spirit or they are disease and can't take it in
These are those who Satan has corrupted and are in ways there to harm the body. The question is are you a diseased cell that can't ingest the oxygenated holy spirit, the cell that cannot take into it life or are you that cell that goes through the body with a mission that is to restore life and get the to the destination to ultimately bring life to the Brain to maybe become a brain cell filtered in Christ and the cell.( For the brain cells are the angels of God they are they to do absorb for Him to keep the body performing at it's best) that Take in the oxygen of the holy spirit that you may one day find rest in the Heart and the brain of heaven. (have u noticed that when the blood pools in the heart it rest there even if it is just for a split second) then it's back on it's journey to get life (Souls) to the brain. Our job is to supply life (souls ) to God whose ready for the mission.

And this is just the rough draft of the circulatory system...try breaking the others...the most complicated system is the nervous system...why because this is the system that sends out feelings through out the body. But that's another post.

Sunday, April 8, 2012


This division in my body is cutting me deep,, i want to blame, accuse others as well as set myself at fault for not being in order, for me not doing my part in the body, if I am the hand Lord why didn't I reach out to bring together your people, and stop the fall, if I am the heart why wasn't I beating to keep life flowing through his veins, or loving more that they love others instead of themselves, God if I was the nerves why couldn't I have numbed the pain that I could they could work the issues and stay together, if I was the eyes why could I see the death that was coming because we were can a house divided stand, they can't because a body had to be whole to be totally functioning. I set myself at fault God, cause if I would have been just doing my part, the body would still be warm and doing the work for you, the body would still be walking and talking, the body could still cry laugh, and pray, but instead its broken, cold, and the grave will consume it...what is it God that I must do to bring together a body that's lifeless, lacking your spirit, your touch you blessings, your intercedes, God no more examples I understand, I get it God, please just put your words in my mouth and I will say...please God put back together our broken body God's Final Warning Ministries, for we see our prayers are meaningless separated a force o be reckon with when we are on one accord. IN Jesus Name Amen

Tired...a story of heart.

In this walk we find joy, sun, peace, love, life, brokenness, rain, pain, unstableness, and death. WE see the trials that weigh the people of God yet we lift not our head to the Lord on one another's behalf, we wont even take the time to listen to their cry's and their please. We put all the weight on one or two, causing them to become tired. I question do we believe do we believe do we care, that the other person is dying daily not to sin, but to the spirit of God because they feel that they can't go on. Where are the weight lifters, the protein shakes, the energy supplements. WHERE ARE THE SPIRITUAL, DO THEY EXIST. Are are we too divided in our own ways to care that we have our loved ones running off the road off the path that God set before them. I believe that they are leaving to bring together once again a a body that restores healing, cast away death, and re-energizes the tired. I truly am tired of standing by watching the people that I love decay to this earth because we have no callers not watchers in place to warn them of the enemy and his tricks and devices. Why do we separate from one another and think that we are still standing as one. One simply means that our mission is the same. our God is the same, our time spent is the same, our prayers are the same, our meeting places are the same, our worship services are the same not divided. TIRED. My body aches with needs of healing with needs of mending, with needs of restoration. The breeches that surrounds the walls in my heart is beyond one persons ability to repair, I need a contracting crew specializing in heart surgery. When will we understand that its a call that has went forth for us a sacrifice made that we made come together as one. What if, what could've should've is way too late to be ask now...we must now ask what must be done? What has to be done? We put in our resignations to the body because of our differences but fail to realize that we are dying because you have decided to perform a -ectomy because you can work in your position. Can the feet be the hands can the hands be the feet, no we must simply find what part we are to the body and function as we should, because all of our parts make up a whole... what are we doing....we are simply Tired. We need the vegetables, fruits, meats, proteins, and get the body jump started again...I am willing to be them all...but God word is what I have to be....I am going to speak out about the division I see, speak out about the murdering, coveting, stealing, other god, the idolatry, the adulteries, the lies, the half-way keeping of the sabbath, the disrespect to our parent, the use of God's name in vain. We say that we are the body of Christ but we follow after the fruits of the devil. We want and claim we need the things of this world, when the word of God says all we need is to trust in Him. We buy the most expensive things that cause death in our body, but we fail to realize that we are killing one another slowly, each time we walk away. I watch an I observed the biased behavior, we are quick to correct, but reject being corrected. the fatherless go with food, water, clothes, and love...while the ones with fathers have a father in their home and go without the word of God...Tired. How can we repair a fallen nation when we ourselves are broken, fallen, failures in the sight of God. We make excuses as to why things are not right, we make false pretenses about the end of our mission, when we know God said that there will be few...but if we get on one accord and walk as one...the we count as one body entering the kingdom. Why can't we see what God is showing us, why are we TIRED. We have those who come in and leave right back out the body cause we have no order no place for them to fit...because all the lower extremities have gotten together to go against the upper extremities, so how can we eliminate the waste that lies in the midst of the body. I AM TIRED. I will no longer sit by and watch the people I love go right through because the hands have locked themselves and decided not to hold on to those who need the help. The mouth decides to be mute and speak only joking gestures killing the heart, and the feet are rotting in the mire. The eyes are coveting the things of the reproductive system, and the reproductive system is now sterile because it can no longer produce good seed, it has committed adultery with the hands, and therefore the body is letting itself fall slowly by the way side, the seed being choked out of it as if it is an unwanted weed. The smaller portions of the body is seeing the hypocrisies that lie in the body and have stopped functioning because the see that their hormones are not being effective therefore cause the body to go into a diabetic coma, and the body has formed a cancer that is metastasizing at an increasing rate...the body has become TIRED.

There is a cure for these diseases, a cure that the body knows and speaks of when it benefits them...but if the body comes together as a unit and pick up the word of God, receiving it energy from it, fasting from the world, and praying as one voice with one mission. The call is out there who will answer. For not only am I tired...and when I dye so will the brain...then where will the body be ...for I am the heart and I am dying

Wednesday, April 4, 2012


Lesson learned from Isaiah 6:1-13

Lord if I continue a lifestyle of sin I will be destroyed, my lifestyle is leading me on a road of destruction. Lord my ears are death, my eyes are blind, my heart is calloused...God would you please open my death ears, take the scales from my blinded eyes, and soften this calloused, stoned, and hardened heart...i am in sin God help me to repent, for I feel that my sin is so great that you have turned away from me and closed you ears and heart to my calls, God I can't do this on my own, I need you to help me repent that I may do your will, Lord clean me up, for I am a dead man before sins are many as of those in the world, help us repent that we all may come off this road to destruction. Lord...I want to have from hearing your word a revelation a change, but only you can soften my heart so that I can walk in that change without falling, for your word says that you can keep us from falling....GOD I NEED YOU. I am constantly allowing the pain that enters my life take me from you, when you bring it to draw me closer to you, for your word says that you draw closer to those who are broken hearted if that is so, God please just reach right now and touch my heart that I know that you are with me. I realize God that I don't have the plan but you do and in a while the plan that you have to destroy those who believe not, knew not, followed not, kept not your commandments, but God before that day comes give me a chance to go out and speak to others your will, I will go God and warned the people and instruct them in your ways, bringing those to you for repentance and change, But I can't do this until you wipe clean and fill my vessel with your hands and word...and put in me the Holy Spirit..God I need you...for those that I have caused to fall due to my unbelief or failure, help me, strengthen me that I may go back and pick them up and bring them to you for a healing a powerful change and plan, and a new me God. If I must bare my sins then that I will, but let me be punished by you and not this world, for you chastening will help me to become stronger, where the world will kill and destroy me, I ask that you not charge this sin to my children, family, friends, church body,or even those who were with me in this straying away from your will, God charge it all upon me, that I may carry this weight that those may be saved. Let not me only draw close to you in times of despair, but help me to stay close to you at all times and in times of despair be prepared to stand for you, so that I may be that example to others....Take away these desires, the temptations that are set before me, the anxiety that rules my mind, and the depression that overwhelms my heart, spiritually, mentally, physically, emotionally, conversationally repair me, for I am broken, repair the breaches that lie within me, that I may be a leader, and stand and speak your word before your me put all my faith and trust in you God, I'm all in, Here I am broken and shattered, and torn, but with a humble and willing heart to do your will....Your All I got God...WRAP ME IN YOUR HOLY ARMS THAT I MAY KNOW THAT YOU ARE WITH ME ALL THE WAY...IN JESUS NAME I AM ALL IN GOD...AMEN.

Michelle Denise Williams BA Psychology
T. S. Eliot
Poetry is not a turning loose of emotion, but an escape from emotion; it is not the expression of personality, but an escape from personality. But, of course, only those who have personality and emotions know what it means to want to escape from these things.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Seems like everything looks so much peaceful after the storm....waiting for God to allow the storms in my life to pass that I may have that same peace that the earth and the sky has when the storm passes...Looking at things in a greener light....

Seems like everything looks so much peaceful after the storm....waiting for God to allow the storms in my life to pass that I may have that same peace that the earth and the sky has when the storm passes...Looking at things in a greener light....

Seems like everything looks so much peaceful after the storm....waiting for God to allow the storms in my life to pass that I may have that same peace that the earth and the sky has when the storm passes...Looking at things in a greener light....

Just thinking if a person really loves u like they say they do, they will do whatevers in their power to keep u and keep u smiling....and what they can't do they will go to God to solve it... Looking at current and past one did this for me......spiritually speaking this is the s@me WAy I do God...How can I expect God to fight for me when I won't fight stand and Him to help me. Lord help me believed more in you that I can rely less on me and others...with you there is never a disappointment...with me and them no reliability no hope.....need hope God....start to beating again this dead heart.

This is Me

This is Me

My Little Ones

My Little Ones