Happy Birthday to him, Happy Birthday to Him, Happy Birthday Momma Baby Now big boy, Happy Birthday to Him...
It was 12 years ago when I endured the pleasure of carrying a son for nine months in my womb, who never liked to stay still, he was as energetic then as he is now. He grew inside of me more everyday, us building a bond that would never fade away. This child who God is giving me the pleasure to raise, I know pause to give Hive praise. My son was born all 7lbs 10oz, he was handsome and loving. I endured the pain and pushed him free, But gaveth the breath becuase he was precious to me. I have love him, brestfed, bath, and nurtured him, the most important thing that I knew I had to do was return Him to God for safety, that his Father watch over Him, and led him in the paths of Righteousness. This young man is hard working, full of laughter and jokes, yet he's sensitive, and emotional, at that time sometime it make me choke...him...lol He is all a mother could ask for, all a mother needs, because I feel bad it is me he tries to please. So when I see him arise this day, I know that to his face I will say. Happy birthday my son, and thank you, for the times we have shared, for this is just the begining. I thank you for a loving smile, no matter how many metals..lol..For i remember your first bike and your feet not touching the petals. Your family needs u and God does to thats why I will say a little prayer for you:
Lord my son is growing older. He hasn't a earthly dad to help him grow boulder, but I know that you are His Father in both heaven and earth, and You will help him become a righteous man of God, strong, yet humble, bold, yet meek, slow to anger and slow to speak, God this is no poem, but a prayer while I am here or when I am gone, that you watch over our son, that he will not stray, send your Shepherd to show him the way. My child is no longer a baby, one day he will marry and have babies, make him proud to be called a father, that he provide for them in every way. Teaching his children according to your ways, the they will praise you all of their days. I want my son to be like you, for it is you who raised him. Let him walk in Your footsteps, like a child behind his dad, trying to keep instep. I need you God everyday, to pay close attention to Devion Whawnyea...I love him but not more than you...and In my heart I know you love him too. He is a vessle for you not evil...set him apart and bless him, that He be as a Holy vessle. I love and this prayer i will continue to pray every year at the same time on our sons birthday. In Jesus Name I pray Amen.
Ok God I really didnt mean to rhyme, I guess u give me wat i needed to say...
DECEMBER 31, 1998 DEVION WHAWNYEA HODGES, a male child, was born to the proud parents of GOD and MICHELLE DENISE WILLIAMS, he was born at 10:10pm, weighing
7pounds and 10oz...21 inches in lenth. He is a perfect baby who is now a man. And on his Fathers Rock he stands. ;)
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