Lord we are all in need of your love mercy and kindness. Every day is a praise report because we are breathing. Lord today is the fourth Sabbath and the children really tore it up today... They sung as if it was their last performance. Lord your word went fourth by Brother Verdine Jr. in the title, "Hunting Season" 1 Peter 5:8, We go places where we know the devil resides in. The Hunted must keep from being devoured by the hunter. We do this by having 1. Self control..Who is in control? 2. Stay Alert...Where is the devil? 3. Don't make self available to the enemy...don't be foolish to put yourself in position to allow the enemy devour you. We are all growing Lord continue to help us to grow. Lord rain on us, shower down, send your spirit Lord...God everything is changing for our good, but we have to learn to walk in this change, embrace this change, love this change. God is not pleased with the way that we conduct business in the churches today. We do more talking about one another than we do supplying the need for change. When are we going to get the point that God is not caring about what clothes you have on, how big your church is and the mass it contains, he doesn’t care about how many men/women you can get in a week, fornication is just downright detestable unto Him. We need to see that God has the power to wipe us out. And Satan has the power to convince you to make the choice to get it done...When are we going to stop fighting against God and really understand that He is here for your benefit not His own. God is raining down drops (not the rain that’s falling outside) but drops of constant changes to change your life. To love Him...follow and live as His son Jesus Christ... Stop being a fighter against God but become a warrior for God. It doesn't matter how many times you say forgive me or I'm sorry, they don't move God it the true repenter that God comes off His throne to meet with. He did it for Abraham. Why can't he do it for you...? The sorry doesn't count unless it comes with a true act of walking in the right direction.
The Lord is calling His children out of Babylon, can you hear the call and just turning a deaf ear to it...for if He's calling and you hear it not then you destination is not going to be one of peace, love, and understanding that is God. But the wrath that God has toward those who do not His commandments all ten. And not the way you want to do them, but the way He requires them to be done.
Rain on us God, shower down, send your spirit Lord, and let your glory fill this place. Let your all-consuming fire fill this tabernacle and purify our hearts, surround us in this place. Lord GFW needs u, the people on Facebook, blogger, AOL, yahoo, myspace, twitter, linkedin and many others need you. But we have to get the word out that the only way to let us be influenced by you is that we come to you in fasting and in prayer, that we all may collectively watch and pray for those that the enemy has in his target.
Lord I start this prayer in total thanks that you have gotten me to your truth, that you have redeemed me from the destination of hell. That in spite of my all my faults and short comings, you reveal to me my wrong, and give me a chance to learn from them and get it right. From this moment own all my pleasures are come to an end... all things that are pleasing to e I must check with you first that I may not go against your will.
Lord I ask on behalf of my children that you keep your arms wrapped tightly around them that Satan has no way to penetrate the barrier you have. Keep themes you do a sleeping child lost from his/her mother. Lord they are feeling your word, but I pray that you increase that feeling into a living you. Lord their lives need to be on fire for you. If it is anything that I may be doing to draw them away from you reveal it to me, that i may change and become a living example to them as Christ was for us all. We as a family need to gather around your throne that, as a family of God we spread the Holy Spirit to us.
Lord I come to you on behalf of God's Final Warning Ministries a church on the move to doing the will of God, that we unite one to another. Where we are a family, that’s has yes our bouts and faults, help us to be perfect within your eyes, Lord no spot no wrinkle. Instead of us having meetings on how to treat one another, we should be teaching how to embrace new believers in Christ. Your word is sufficient and true. We are all need to come together in love, fasting, and prayer that we give Satan no space to enter into a chain of believers. We are downcast because we keep your Holy Sabbath, but we are uplifting because we walk according to your word. Lord I ask that you:
Rain on us God, shower down, send your spirit Lord, and let your glory fill this place. Let your all-consuming fire fill this tabernacle and purify our hearts, surround us in this place.
Lord in conclusion of this prayer I pray that you gather your people who are in the world that they may be uplifted in your name and help to understand that this life is not a game. It has a purpose, and the purpose is to serve and worship you. We are in much need as body of Christ to go out in the world and retrieve your people. The work is plenty but the laborers are few. This is a call for the laborers, a call for the believers. GOD SEND US TO BIG IN YOUR PEOPLE...DRAW YOUR PEOPLE THAT WE GATHER AS ONE IN YOUR NAME.
IN JESUS NAME... Rain on us God, shower down, send your spirit Lord, and let your glory fill this place. Let your all-consuming fire fill this tabernacle and purify our hearts, surround us in this place. AMEN.
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