When times get hard the word Love brings about peace,
when times get rough showing Love brings gratitude,
but when someone one else is in a storm of their own giving Love is a gift all its own. Lets try doing that all day and see how many gifts we receive from that alone.

L- is for the way you look at me
O-is your the only one I see
V-is very very extraordinary
E-is even more than any one could adore
and LOVE is all that I can give to You Love is just a silly game for two, two in Love can make it, take my heart and please don't break it LOVE was made for me and YOU. His Name is Jesus.


My photo
Lancaster, Texas, United States
I am a single mother of four beautiful children. I have had my share of weight of the world and decided to make a page just for people who want to be able to talk about everyday situations and get things off of their chest. Many times the thing that we lack the most in life is someone to talk to and show us unconditional compassion. I am a Christian woman, so many topics that are related to helpful hints to overcome are good. I completed my BA Psychology degree in 2010 at Argosy University. I am currently enrolled in Liberty University in the Master of Arts Marriage and Family Therapist. My goal is to become a Psychologist on the Doctoral level which I hope to start by next fall. I have decided to make this site because it is nice to have someone to talk to every once in a while. So weather you need a poem to write or a shoulder to cry on I am here. I am not trying to do some experiment this is me, I really do care.

Saturday, October 23, 2010


Quotes of the from Sabbath School lesson: BOTHERQUINON BURNETT Exodus 34: 1, 27-35; 32:25; John 14:6
1. God influence, rub off on me...
2. Meeting God up not down. He wanted Moses to be ready as well as offering a tablet...40 days without water is medically impossible...that's why the children of Israel started complaining for it after 3 days, but when you are in the way of the truth and the light, when your in the presence of life, the giver of life, He always know h to sustain you even when what we need is not available. MOSES WASNT NEITHER THIRSTY NOR HUNGRY
4. When you are in the presence of God nothing else matters.
5. When you leave the presence of God and have to service people that are where you have to go. You have to go to them.
6. He was prepared to stay with God for as long as it took. Moses didn't have a schedule.
7. Moses didn't rub off on God, God rubbed off on him.
8. Are you rubbing off on them or are they rubbing off on you.
9. We all have something that is rubbing off, but we hang around the wrong element. Then you wonder why things that you do go wrong and the things you say make people mad.
10. In any authentic conversation they talk a little you talk a little. You just listening is not a conversation…Conversation God talked to him, he talked to God.
11. When you spend quality time with God something is rubbing off on you.
12. When Moses came off the mount and his skinned shinned the people were afraid because they saw the presence of the Lord on him.
13. I wish you would go somewhere with God on you, and you don’t need a cross or a sign with “Christian”. They went automatically back off you.
14. God don’t do to us like smoke do, you don’t have to give smoke permission to get on you. It won’t leave till you wash it off.
15. God is the opposite. We have to pray to God to do it. God get on me. God get in me, that when I go to the people and have to do what I do you are there with me.
16. There are some things that you try to blend in with, but you getting that rubbed off on you instead of blending in.
17. You can’t go to church and not let it rub off on you. We need a whole lot of God to rub off on you…you ought to be fired.
18. I don’t want to affect the shine, but for the people I will veil it to reduce it, I don’t want to lose the shine because when I get thru talking to you…I’m going back where I can get some more.
19. But when he is in the presence of the Lord, he can remove it because God has no problem with the light.
20. We need to hang around those who are not affected by the shine, because they have it too. Hang around those that are doing what you do and going where you going…
21. What started the shine is that he was in the presence of the Lord, it won’t shine indefinitely, what’s keeping him shinning is that he keeps going in front of God. No one care about what you did for/with God 20 years ago…but what you are doing now.
22. If some of us would just Taste and See that God is good…we will go past the tasting and go straight to eating.
23. Lord, would you please rub off on me.
24. Lord get on me, but most importantly get in me. ……

Sabbath Sermon Quotes

Sabbath Sermon Quotes: Brother Brian Verdine Jr. “HUNTING SEASON” 1 Peter 5:8, James 3:2, 1 Thessalonians 4:3-5, Proverbs 25:28, 1Peter 4:7; Matthew 26:41; Ephesians 6:12; Romans 13: 13-14, Luke 11: 24-26; Galatians 5:16
1. The lion is a very fierce animal. Anything that it sees and wants it will go get it.
2. One man went hunting he decided to camp in a cave, mountain lions, when laying down he heard a roar, and left the cave and camped elsewhere. Another man did same thing but when he hear the lion he decided that it wasn’t that close and fell asleep. He didn’t know that the lion was in the same cave with him, until it had him by the throat.
3. He lost his life for that decision.
4. We go places where we know the devil resides. We need to make the same decision as the 1st hunter made to get up and get out, because when Satan gets you many times you can’t get away.
5. The hunted must keep from being devoured by the hunter.
6. Self-control- the ability to control oneself.
7. Parents talk to the kids and the kids feel like they need to be heard, so we let Satan talk us into saying something.
8. One thing you must learn about parents is when they are right, they are right, when they are wrong, they are right.
9. Young people mouths get them in trouble.
10. Oh and it’s not right to talk behind their backs…cause God can hear you.
11. Why do kids get in trouble, because they can’t control their mouth, and if they have no control over that then they can’t have any self-control?
12. Fornication---sex-parents tell us not to and kids say umhum
13. When a child say umhum that really means that I hear you but it’s going in one ear and out the other.
14. Not having sex is not the will of your parents it’s the will of God.
15. 1Thessalonians 4:3-5 abstain from fornication
16. Not having self-control is a dangerous thing
17. If you are not in control then who is?
18. Spirit and flesh battle all the time.
19. STAY ALERT---be vilagent
20. Steve Urquel dressed as gangster on FAMILY MATTERS…the gangsters asked him if he was wearing a wire...he was…That’s how we should be suspicious of things that may or may not appear evil…
21. If someone tells you off then you should ask “Where is the devil”.
22. If you get the nerve to tell them off then it’s obvious that you are the devil.
23. Watch and pray, Enter not into temptation, Spirit is willing, Flesh is weak. Matthew 26:41
24. In the garden…Satan was undercover…a snake…, and Eve is the one who wasn’t on alert
25. Devil comes to steal stuff from us and we not watching. He takes no paid time off…because he knows he don’t have time…he’s constantly watching.
26. Be prepared is reading the word.
27. Not making yourself available for the enemy
28. Because you enemy the devil is seeking who he may devour.
29. The devil is scared of God that’s why he asks permission
30. How can you make yourself available to God and keep yourself away from the enemy?
31. Walk in the spirit and you will not fulfill the lust of the flesh.
32. 32. Self-control---who is in control? 2. Stay Alert----where is the devil? 3. Can’t make yourself available to the enemy----don’t be foolish to put yourself in a position to allow the enemy to devour you.
33. Pray, read your bible, then walk it, when you know it.


Lord we are all in need of your love mercy and kindness. Every day is a praise report because we are breathing. Lord today is the fourth Sabbath and the children really tore it up today... They sung as if it was their last performance. Lord your word went fourth by Brother Verdine Jr. in the title, "Hunting Season" 1 Peter 5:8, We go places where we know the devil resides in. The Hunted must keep from being devoured by the hunter. We do this by having 1. Self control..Who is in control? 2. Stay Alert...Where is the devil? 3. Don't make self available to the enemy...don't be foolish to put yourself in position to allow the enemy devour you. We are all growing Lord continue to help us to grow. Lord rain on us, shower down, send your spirit Lord...God everything is changing for our good, but we have to learn to walk in this change, embrace this change, love this change. God is not pleased with the way that we conduct business in the churches today. We do more talking about one another than we do supplying the need for change. When are we going to get the point that God is not caring about what clothes you have on, how big your church is and the mass it contains, he doesn’t care about how many men/women you can get in a week, fornication is just downright detestable unto Him. We need to see that God has the power to wipe us out. And Satan has the power to convince you to make the choice to get it done...When are we going to stop fighting against God and really understand that He is here for your benefit not His own. God is raining down drops (not the rain that’s falling outside) but drops of constant changes to change your life. To love Him...follow and live as His son Jesus Christ... Stop being a fighter against God but become a warrior for God. It doesn't matter how many times you say forgive me or I'm sorry, they don't move God it the true repenter that God comes off His throne to meet with. He did it for Abraham. Why can't he do it for you...? The sorry doesn't count unless it comes with a true act of walking in the right direction.
The Lord is calling His children out of Babylon, can you hear the call and just turning a deaf ear to it...for if He's calling and you hear it not then you destination is not going to be one of peace, love, and understanding that is God. But the wrath that God has toward those who do not His commandments all ten. And not the way you want to do them, but the way He requires them to be done.

Rain on us God, shower down, send your spirit Lord, and let your glory fill this place. Let your all-consuming fire fill this tabernacle and purify our hearts, surround us in this place. Lord GFW needs u, the people on Facebook, blogger, AOL, yahoo, myspace, twitter, linkedin and many others need you. But we have to get the word out that the only way to let us be influenced by you is that we come to you in fasting and in prayer, that we all may collectively watch and pray for those that the enemy has in his target.

Lord I start this prayer in total thanks that you have gotten me to your truth, that you have redeemed me from the destination of hell. That in spite of my all my faults and short comings, you reveal to me my wrong, and give me a chance to learn from them and get it right. From this moment own all my pleasures are come to an end... all things that are pleasing to e I must check with you first that I may not go against your will.

Lord I ask on behalf of my children that you keep your arms wrapped tightly around them that Satan has no way to penetrate the barrier you have. Keep themes you do a sleeping child lost from his/her mother. Lord they are feeling your word, but I pray that you increase that feeling into a living you. Lord their lives need to be on fire for you. If it is anything that I may be doing to draw them away from you reveal it to me, that i may change and become a living example to them as Christ was for us all. We as a family need to gather around your throne that, as a family of God we spread the Holy Spirit to us.

Lord I come to you on behalf of God's Final Warning Ministries a church on the move to doing the will of God, that we unite one to another. Where we are a family, that’s has yes our bouts and faults, help us to be perfect within your eyes, Lord no spot no wrinkle. Instead of us having meetings on how to treat one another, we should be teaching how to embrace new believers in Christ. Your word is sufficient and true. We are all need to come together in love, fasting, and prayer that we give Satan no space to enter into a chain of believers. We are downcast because we keep your Holy Sabbath, but we are uplifting because we walk according to your word. Lord I ask that you:

Rain on us God, shower down, send your spirit Lord, and let your glory fill this place. Let your all-consuming fire fill this tabernacle and purify our hearts, surround us in this place.

Lord in conclusion of this prayer I pray that you gather your people who are in the world that they may be uplifted in your name and help to understand that this life is not a game. It has a purpose, and the purpose is to serve and worship you. We are in much need as body of Christ to go out in the world and retrieve your people. The work is plenty but the laborers are few. This is a call for the laborers, a call for the believers. GOD SEND US TO BIG IN YOUR PEOPLE...DRAW YOUR PEOPLE THAT WE GATHER AS ONE IN YOUR NAME.

IN JESUS NAME... Rain on us God, shower down, send your spirit Lord, and let your glory fill this place. Let your all-consuming fire fill this tabernacle and purify our hearts, surround us in this place. AMEN.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


am i worthy of the calling..

am i walking in full obedience..

can these pages get any longer...

what is God wanting me to do with my life..

am i motivating myself..or is myself motivating God..

wen i pray am i being heard..or is it a echo in here...

wat is the real reason i choose this career...

wat is the reason that i aM here..

can i claim to be 100..or am i 99.9999..

am i missing the points that God places in front of me to make a picture..

do i call my self blessed by wat i recieve or for wat i believe...

how many times have i fell..

how many times have i got up..

am up now or just lying still...

is this the time wen God is carrying me..

bcuz i dont see another pair of footsteps...

am i really wat men say i am...or am i wat God made me to be...

these questions need no answers cuz I am fine finding out who and what I need to bee....

am i a african queen..or a native american dream...

who am i .....

where am i...

I am in the midst of my green pastures...but also in the midst of my storm..

many Know not my ryme...bcuz they never take the time to use a dime to call me and spend some time...

I never seen the rightoues forsaken...but i have wiped a many of their tears...the scars on their backs I have with one touch have healed...

i have washed their feet..with my tears..

dried them with my hair....

I have oiled them with the priceless oil....for my Master was there...

this is not an emotional confession....... but a spiritual confession..

how can u know your wealth if u never take the time to spread it...

how can u experience a dream if u never took the time to make it come true..

this no poem but my life journey...

walking in this world I feel trapped and cold...

i even sometimes feel like I am 900 years old...

I have lived a life that passeth all undestanding..

yet its not my life that God is demanding..

He is calling me to set another free...

Time was up for me long ago...

I gave up so called worldly being free..

I have come to relize that its not about me...

Its about GOD, Jesus, who died to set us free..

How can we say we're free wen we dive head on in bondage..

the truth is we're not free bcuz we refuse His word...we are still slaves black..white..Jew..gentile ....watever the race..untill we make the ultimate choice to believe in Him....only then will we see Him face to face...


no one will read this no one will even care......wats so amazing about it they wont realize that I am there..they will pass me a shark on the table...bcuz to them..they dont believe that I am able...they see me as beaten, disfigured, and disgusting...but I dont fret..becus its Jesus we'er discussing...will you pass Him by yet again...or will you when He knocks let Him in...this was written by me but inspired by God...hope to he who has a ear is litening..a heart is crying out..feet walking...knees bending...hands...reaching..becuz..u too can walk on the water..but will you be distracted....or will you walk into the comforting arms of the one who truly loves you...make the call...God is standing by....and Jesus is wating to defend u at all cost....obey the commandments of God and He will know you love Him...


This is Me

This is Me

My Little Ones

My Little Ones