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michellewgfw has shared a video with you on YouTube: Great movie really has great points in it...good for a diverse situations...love you all netflix has it available to instant viewing if you have it. Become A Fan: http://www.facebook.com/PureFlix Pure Flix Store: http://pureflix.christianbook.com/ Official Website: http://pureflix.com/trailers/ Bring This Movie To Your Church:http://ministry.pureflix.com/ All of our lives we've been told that life isn't fair, yet no one has ever bothered to tell us why. Is life merely a culmination of our own failures, compounded one after another, or are things truly beyond our control? Is there a God? If so, is He truly out there, looking on us lovingly, or does He despise us and laugh as we stumble around in the darkness of our own humanity? The lives of four individuals unravel as they face a world of consequences both thrust upon them and as a product of their choices. Either way, reality is the result. | |
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This is a site for believers and non-believers who want to get to know God and or just talk about the everyday things that life puts on us. We are here to cry together and to laugh together. Write freely, but with respect to others.
When times get hard the word Love brings about peace,
when times get rough showing Love brings gratitude,
but when someone one else is in a storm of their own giving Love is a gift all its own. Lets try doing that all day and see how many gifts we receive from that alone.
L- is for the way you look at me
O-is your the only one I see
V-is very very extraordinary
E-is even more than any one could adore
and LOVE is all that I can give to You Love is just a silly game for two, two in Love can make it, take my heart and please don't break it LOVE was made for me and YOU. His Name is Jesus.
when times get rough showing Love brings gratitude,
but when someone one else is in a storm of their own giving Love is a gift all its own. Lets try doing that all day and see how many gifts we receive from that alone.
L- is for the way you look at me
O-is your the only one I see
V-is very very extraordinary
E-is even more than any one could adore
and LOVE is all that I can give to You Love is just a silly game for two, two in Love can make it, take my heart and please don't break it LOVE was made for me and YOU. His Name is Jesus.

- Seeking God For Answers
- Lancaster, Texas, United States
- I am a single mother of four beautiful children. I have had my share of weight of the world and decided to make a page just for people who want to be able to talk about everyday situations and get things off of their chest. Many times the thing that we lack the most in life is someone to talk to and show us unconditional compassion. I am a Christian woman, so many topics that are related to helpful hints to overcome are good. I completed my BA Psychology degree in 2010 at Argosy University. I am currently enrolled in Liberty University in the Master of Arts Marriage and Family Therapist. My goal is to become a Psychologist on the Doctoral level which I hope to start by next fall. I have decided to make this site because it is nice to have someone to talk to every once in a while. So weather you need a poem to write or a shoulder to cry on I am here. I am not trying to do some experiment this is me, I really do care.
Friday, January 20, 2012
michellewgfw sent you a video: "Real Official Trailer"
Monday, January 9, 2012
Michelle Williams Psychoanalysis (Diagnosis) by Michelle SeekingGodforanswers Williams on Monday, January 9, 2012 at 8:17pm
Having some trouble with moving on in my life: going to the great Theorist and Psychology Founders to seek help.
Sigmund Freud: I think it a type of sexual suppression in which u have stored that frustration in such a way that it is causing you anguish, lack of joy, and sudden pain and aches diagnosis Hysteria....I also that your death instinct is in play, but I have to have more sessions with u to make a clear diagnosis. But in your stages of development you have developed most of the negative traits in those stages...oral stage: tongue sucking and nail biting...Anal stage: you are a perfectionist, but because of some issues during this stage it comes out as disorganized and messy. Phallic Stage:you craved the attention of your father, but losing in the separation at an early age u have not passed this stage, Latency stage: you sometimes crave the attention from the same sex..but because of defect in the phallic stage of development, you shy away from them and they resent you. The Genital Stage is where u suffer the most: because at this stage you were molested and then had children...u haven't began to be comfortable about your appearance so you seek out attention from the both sexes that you can figure out your sexuality...this is the cause for the heightened feelings of sexual frustration. You need love and marriage that you can feel sexual and have sex. Until then suggest more therapy and revisiting those stages (mentally of course cause you can't go back in age...even though you have the characteristics of a virgin, but the traits of a child)
Carl Jung: let's see I believe that you have an over connection with your masculine side due to the separation of your father at a tender age so therefore because you are familiar with the feminine side in some ways you detest it and you feel that you would like to become closer to the male techniques and feelings, but it is conflicting with your need to be feminine. You also experiencing a type of archetype....when you have come to terms with this then you will be complete.
Abraham Maslow: According to my hierarchy of personal needs you are stuck between two stages: Safety and belonging and Love; its seems that you have achieved a stage which is rare but is becoming more common...u skipped the safety; belonging and love stages and went to the esteem stage and u have almost accomplished it and now your to self actualization... this is the reason that you are having so much trouble with believing that you can do or achieve any real thing, because you have not yet found that sense of security, and love,https://www.facebook.com/michellewgfw now you are trying to complete the Self Actualization stage and its not working cause your not complete. I must say you have to go back and find security and love...
Erik Erikson: It seems that your childhood has been a broken one in some way. In all the stages of development you have developed the negative one. For instance the 1st stage is trust vs mistrust...you have mistrust. Find the reasons for this and you will be complete. Your Psychosocial development is: mistrust, shame and doubt, guilt, inferiority, role confusion (with Carl Jung's diagnosis of feminine vs masculine), isolation (Freud's diagnosis of sexual frustration), Stagnation(Maslow's diagnosis of security and love) despair ( again Maslow's self Actualization) plus your fear of death and not leaving a good legacy (Freud's death instinct).
Karen Horney: Diagnosis neurosis: your unhappy and your seeking out relationships that are good for you. Your looking for someone to make you happy, but your own insecurities and neediness, drives them away. When in a relationship you show signs of clinginess, significant lack of self esteem, and even anger and threatening behavior....your suppressing a childlike anxiety (Jung in separation from father) you have went through all the stages of the neurotic family: Moving Toward People: move toward people in order to seek help and acceptance, striving to feel worthy and can believe the only way to gain this is through the acceptance of others, intense need to be liked, involved, important, and appreciated, often fall in love quickly or feel an artificial but very strong attachment to people they may not know well. which leads to the clinginess and the person leaving...then u enter the stage of Moving Against People: (hostility,bossy character, selfish and cruel) and now your entering in the stage of Moving Away From People: this what your experiencing; asocial behavior and an almost indifference to others. If they don't get involved with others, they can't be hurt by them. While it protects them from emotional pain of relationships, it also keeps away all positive aspects of relationships. It leaves them feeling alone and empty. You need to return to the 1st stage and seek help.
Alfred Adler: Diagnosis inferiority complex: feeling incredibly less important and deserving than others, helpless, hopeless, and unmotivated to strive for the superiority that would make us complete. You being a middle child, but yet the 2nd out of six girls you are in between the pampering stage and neglect stage..the pampered part of you feels ill equipped to deal with these realities, doubt your own abilities or decision making skills, and seek out others to replace the safety you enjoyed as a child. The neglected part of you (could result from the absent father figure) you feel not protected at all from the world and is forced to face life's struggles alone, you fear the world, have a strong sense of mistrust for others and have a difficult time forming intimate relationships. You need to find a role model (mainly a male father image) this person must be dedicated to stand and show you how to face the world and it's issues.
God , Jesus Christ, and The Holy Spirit: all of these theories are true, because of your lack or over compensation of something early on in life, you have developed tendencies to not believe in your own abilities to now walk for me. In doing so you have unconsciously shut us out. You hear the right way, but you confuse it with your own thoughts and fears, that you confuse yourself and do it anyway, or in some cases not do the things in which I tell you are good choices. You are not broken, you just need some minor adjustments. I have told you many times i love you but you believe its not possible, because of all the heart break in your life...heed to the Dr's up above for the theories are from me to help you, but you have to have me to help you, I can be the Father figure you need...and I will show you how a real relationship is to be like. For i am the way the truth and the light and right now your in darkness and your anxiety is causing you great pain and despair. I told you I would never leave you. Trust me....I know what your going through. Don't give up, your on the right road, but you need me to walk it. Find time for me, I don't demand much, it seems that way to you because of the brokenheart you won't allow me to mend. I have to make you into a great Woman of God for my people, but I can't do it if you want ask and believe that i can do it through you. In all your ways acknowledge me Michelle: for you are my gift to this broken world, but I can't fix them if you don't believe. I love you my child: rest and I will fight for you. Your Father in heaven, brother, friend, husband, comforter, and savior.
Carl Jung,
clean purity God,
Erik Erikson,
self analysis,
sigmund freud
Friday, January 6, 2012
To My Ladies
- Ok think I will give a word to my ladies today....
We know in this day and time men say that its ok to approach a man and ask him out or inquire for dating...I am biased in my thinking in that because I believe that the man should have a backbone and go to the woman if he likes her....then i know some men are shy and need encouragement from the women that she is interested...so I can understand both sides....BUT there's a greater issue at hand here.
In our day and time it is the woman who is inviting the men to their bed's and walking away and not wanting marriage before sex...talking to myself here too so don't get it twisted been here before.
But what i want to do is ask you to ask yourself how much am I worth to God?
Ask yourself did God call u, spent time with you, draw you into Him, and then abandon you? Did He ever say He will call and never called? Did He say He loved you and then beat you till death? Have He gotten intimate with you...heard your story, and then cheated, or called you another persons name, or just never came back, or only came over when your parents or kids wasn't at home? Did he make promises and never kept them? Or has He always come through for you?
Think about, the things that you do to another will be done to you, but worse. Think back for those who may have changed their lives around and for those who are still doing this think on it. Scenario- you approach a male and you two hit it off good, and then you invite him over and you decide that you are ok with giving him sex...the male (u got a good one) declines and says no, lets take this slow...but you insist and keep pressuring...and he gives in...pause (what are you thinking at this point)
A. I have him hooked he will never leave me now
B. I have lost a good man
C. Hey i wanted what I wanted
D. I wont call him again do him like men have done me in my past
E. Wonder what God is thinking about this
For you A students...you fail...he has now lost respect for you and if he decides to stay, ur relationship is now based on how much sex u can give him.
B students...u passed...you have lost a good man, and not only have you lost him, you have now made it ten times harder for other good women to love him, cause he is gonna treat other woman just like you did him...that's the cycle...unless he finds God with every woman he meets he will become worse. Then he will teach his sons/daughters to be just like you...hand claps...to our now society.
You C & D students...stop...u not in the arena...your expelled...you have now step in the area of selfishness and making men pay for the heartache of another. You will never be truly loved by a man because your too selfish and heart broken to care about the feelings and emotions of another....so therefore when someone tries to you wont be able to receive it...you are the creators of the feminine movement...you want to be equal with someone who God told you to submit to. Wow...toe tapping now ain't I. There is no such thing as get them before they get you...when the fact is you get you before they could ever do so...you make their work easy ( for those who operate like that).
Lets go to the E students...this is the Christian who has tried to stay above temptation and has now fallen. You have now looked in the mirror and saw yourself and not God looking back at you, and you are hurt to pieces. The first thing that He brings to you is His word Flee from fornication, Galatians 5 evidence of the flesh, and my personal favorite Romans 1:28-30 where He turns you over to your sins...wow then all the other scriptures flood into your mind that you refused to listen to before the act when the Holy Spirit was pleading with you...then you remember the ultimate scripture Romans 14:21...you then begin to cry and ask God forgiveness of your sins...that now this mans blood wont be on your hand....wow and it is...his sin is your sin because you caused him to stumble and fall and you with him shall carry the burden...because there is no sacrifice for presumptuous sin.
But you notice that i didn't give an F situation...there is one is you continue in this sin....but all of these things can now me made perfect in God if you come for repentance in Jesus name and walk in that new light that he has given you, and not only do you walk in it, but bring this man whom you have and will continue to break if you do not, in to repentance that Satan's plan is cut off.
The reason that I plead is because the sin that you do will be the sin that Satan uses to cut your children grand children for generations to come off from God. Cut off generational curses and influences by changing your ways....or the sin that you do will be the sin that you are judged by. YOUR SEED AS WELL. - Resist the Devil, and he will flee from you. Draw close to God, and God will draw close to you. James 4:7-8
the act of tempting; enticement or allurement.
something that tempts, entices, or allures.
the fact or state of being tempted, especially to evil.
an instance of this.
( initial capital letter ) the temptation of Christ by Satan. Matt. 4.
Michelle Denise Williams BA Psychology
T. S. Eliot
Poetry is not a turning loose of emotion, but an escape from emotion; it is not the expression of personality, but an escape from personality. But, of course, only those who have personality and emotions know what it means to want to escape from these things.
michellewgfw sent you a video: "FIGHTING TEMPTATION BY Deitrick Haddon"
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