This is a quiz for those who called themseleves Christians. Many times we say we are a Christian, but the evvidence of our lives have been evident that Satan has the key to our lives and we our driving ourselves straight off the cliff. This is inspired by the Sermon "You've Been Hijacked" by Pastor Deion Cater God's Final Warning Ministries of Marshall Texas. I pray that none of these are characteristics of one of Gods people, but if it is it's never too late to repent and get right with God.
Do you do any of the following?
1.Are you a SABBATH (SATURDAY)/SUNDAY morning church goer only Christian. Heb 10:24-25
2.Smoking 1 Cor. 6:19-20
3.Drinking to become drunk Proverbs 23:31&26:9; 1Cor. 6:10, 19-20
4.Fornication, Fornicators (having sex and your not married, to others) 1Cor. 5:1, 6:9, 6:13-18, 7:2, 10:8; 1Th 4:3-5; Col.3:5-6
5.Idoltry Col. 3:5, Gal. 5:19-21
6.Adulterer (having sex with others and you or/and them are married) Ex. 20:14 Matt 5:27-32 Mk 10:11-19 Lk 16:18-20 Romans 13:9-11
7.BREAK ANY OF THE TEN COMMANDMENTS OF GOD—the whole bible Genesis 26:5 Exodus 20; Matt 5:19, 22:40; Jn 14:15-21; 1Jn 2:3-4, 3:22, 5:2-3 Rev 12:17; 14:12, 22:14 (many say that we are not under this law any more but sorry to say this Law has nothing to do with the Mosaic Law it’s all God all the time, for God says thru the whole Bible that if you break one then you break them all. (working on this myself but not willfully breaking them)
8.At the club all night Friday or Saturday then get up to only go to church on Saturday/ Sunday.
9.Are you keeping up gossip in the church/or anywhere for that matter
10.Stealing Ex 20
11.Killing Ex 20
12.Quick to anger/ back bitting toungue/ bad temper Psalms 103:8, 145:8; Prv 15:1,15:18, 16:32; Col 3:21
13.Rapist / Molester
14.Go to church in the same clothes you where at the club (neck line low-dress line high, Pants sagging, throwing up signs)
15.Blinging with gold, silver, platinum, but not blinging with the word.
16.Hold grudges
17.Is your conversation Holy-are you talking about the game, or a woman that just past by how good she look
18.Come to church to get a hook up
19.Carry a blunt or liqur bottle but never your Bible.
20.Skip out on service to watch the game or favorite tv show (Wednesday or Friday nights bible studies or even choir practice).
21.Know all the latest secular rap songs word for word, but can't remember one church song from begining to end. If you listen to secular rap/R&B/etc music ---this is a setup people don't be fooled music is a tool that satan uses to lead our people astray in right thinking and judgement.
22.Argue with church members when given true rebuke (correction) (goes with #'s 36,37,38,and 39)
23.Husband of the house but your wife and kids run it (stated in sermon) I liked this one. To me the worse thing to see is a man or woman if your single, is one who can't run their household, they are ususally the ones who try to run everyone elses.
24.This is to the single mothers---sorry if I hit a nerve but it's true--- feel that going to the club and leaving kids with baby sitter or momma is your me time. This is another setup, getting away from your kids to go do sin is only killing them, they see you sin so they will do it, and it takes the covering of protection off them.
25.Start saying scriptures to make it seem like you know the word but don't live it.
26. When it's time to start witnessing you start acting like you are like them.
27. When someone ask about why you pray with your head covered you try to avoid the answer, or when they walk in you quickly take off the scarf if you ware it at all. (ok gonna be honest not to many people outside of church knows that I do this, cause I just don't bring my scarf---ok found a hijacking in my on plane)
28. When at church your skirts are to the floor but when out of church--your pants show all that God has given you
29. When the boys get together you have been telling them for months that you have changed your life, but no soon they offer a drink or a smoke--you just as high and drunk as they are (hey women too).
30. You use your knowledge of God to get a Christian woman--but soon as a week past
you try to get her in bed. (hey it happens)
31. You send/take the kids to Sabbath/Sunday School and you sleep in till 12:00 service.
32. When the singing is done you leave church (or out of church- this for those who keep the Sabbath)and go get something to eat. Then come back and says the preacher sholl had a word today).
33. Tell your kids how to live like God, but you yourself never show them by example on how that is . (this is another set up- for so long parents have said it's not what I do but what I say, but that's why we have drug addicts and alcoholics, prostitues, fornicators, adulterer's, etc. set up in the making)
Ok guys here are some sayings that I have heard people say that keeps them from going to church, why they don't go, or for that matter read their bible
34. King James was a gay man---this is my favorite--they use this sometimes and contradict themselves by quoting scriptures to show when someone else is wrong. The bible was already written people he just arranged for the bible to be translated in different languages. So nope this is not an excuse.
35. The bible wasn't written in order so its not accurate to go by, or so it's confusing. But playboy, romance novals, mystery novals, the latest news on celebrity crisis. Come on guys excuses get you no where but lost and out of the will of God.
36. When told you are doing something wrong that God detest you answered--I'm a Christian I talk to the Lord all day long and we have a relationship, but God knows my heart. Heb. 10:26-29
37. Nobody's perfect matthew 48:5
38. When in a conflict you reply not today I aint feeling to God like I don't know what I might say so leave me alone.... (Ok we all guilty of something like this maybe not this extreme but we are--there is no surprises in the way a Christian respond it should always be with a soft answer, that drive away anger and strife).
39. When asked when are you comming to church?
you reply one of the following
a. TOMORROW, but it never gets here (ROBERT MOORE)
b. I still gottime--major upset--people die everyday--time is already up. Don't be fooled. (ROBERT MOORE)
c. I can't deal with church folk they think they better everybody
d. Church folk are more hypocrits than anybody
e. when i get everything together-I don't want to be going and still in sin-- a hypocrit---Boy you act like you can save yourself when you get ready--sound like someone addicted to sin to me, come on if this the case then no one would be a True Christian
f. It dont take all that--just knowing God is enough
g. I watch it at home and have service on my own
h. Don't judge me--just because you go don't mean I got too--
i. I need to but I be so busy (work, school, kids, husband,etc). If you too busy for God He will be too busy for you. just saying
j. I can't stand when people try to push me into something
k. Start saying scriptures saying you go to the Potters house or some popular church
l.Say well its been nice seeing you, have a good day, hope you the best, be blessed
40. Almost made me lose my religion or lay it down for a minute
41. I almost became a sinner again with that..... (curse word, negative response)
42. I wish she/he would have this is the kind of mess I'm talking about- these people don't know me (who exactly are you a christian or sinner--can you tell us please). Slow to anger remember
43. God loves everybody He don't required we go to church (TRICK SATAN IS ALL OVER THIS ONE).
44. Gay people can serve God too (ok I didn't want to go here but hey this is so off that millions are going to be upset in the end with this one.)
45. Start talking about the bible and God but using more profanity than even a straight up sinner would allow.
Ok we been talking about verbal communication when it comes to being hijacked by satan lets see some non-verbal communication that goes on when asked some of these questions, talking about church, being invited, in an argument.
46. Stutering
47. Rocking back and forth
48. Slowly walking backwards
49. Fidgiting with hands
50. Eye twitching
51. Waving hands in a bye gesture
52. Throwing up the middle finger
53. Playing with keys
54. My favorite---acting like now you concerned about what the children are doing. (It's amazing how people really pay attention to their kids when they are in a bad spot, when just a few minutes ago you kept saying get away from me go play.)
55. Start taking off earrings or shirt when get in a conflict.
Ok guys here is the key to this test its not about how many you do or don't do it's simply just a map to what is wrong and how and why it needs to be corrected. I have inserted a few scriptures on some to show you how a true child of God should act. Hey there are many more of these and my challenge to you is to comment on others that you may have heard or may be guilty of or delivered from to add on to the learning of others I will insert them and give a scripture with it. Thanks for taking the time to read and comment on these, oh if you know other scriptures that would fit one list the # and then the scripture.