Embracing Your Change
Current mood: accomplished
This year has brung about a lot of changes in me. I have been at my job now for 7 months and somedays I love it and some days I wish I would have stayed in bed. The most gifting thing that God, has shown me working at the PLasma Center of Pleasant Grove is that you have different mixtures of people in the world even though we look at one person by what they have and how they look. I like to look at a person at what they could become in the eyes of Christ. If they were only just given a chance and the knowledge on what and how to change for the sake of Christ. I attended a seminar at Paul Quinn College that My Pastor, Pastor Alvin Fuller is Teaching it, on Tuesday nights in the womens dorm room and so many of the students showed up. The first leasson that he taught was called, " Embracing Your Change". This was a new one for me because as many times that I have been to these seminars he had never taught this one or called it this title. I want you to answer these questions that is on the paper that he passed out. They also have scritures to go with them.
"Embacing Your Change"
1. Is change an absolute necessity? If so, Why? John 3: 1-5
2. What is the change that we must embrace? John 3: 4-5
3. Whay is it necessary that we all change? John 3: 6, I Corinthians 15: 45-48, Romans 8: 5-8
4. How can we be sure that I am no longer in the flesh? Galations 5: 19-21
5. How can I tell when I am truly born of the spirit? Galations 5: 22-24, Romans 6: 6-7
6. What will happen if I refuse to change? Romans 8: 13-14
When listening to the bible study and the comments that the younger adults made at the seminar I noticed that many of us go by what our parents taught us about the word of God and they got it from their parents, no one really reads it to get an understanding for themselves. #'s 4&5 are the ones that really got me because it let me know that I have still have things that are not totally of God, to let go of and that is hindering from moving futher in Christ.
It's a good thing that we have a black president, fine and dandy, Pray for him every night that he lets God lead him in the places that he should hope to make a change in. He said something in his speech that stuck with me I can't dierectly quote it but he said even to those that didn't vote for him or believed in him, he is still reaching out a hand to them, but as long as their hands are closed there could be no change, but if they open the tightly closed fist he will give them something to fill it with.
That is the same thing that God is saying to His people, even though many don't believe in Him or even call upon Him, he is still there waiting for that momment when you open up your heart and let Him fill that space that in need of true love, compassion, guidence, help, hope, peace, and everlasting life.
God is who we need to put trust in, not the mony, president, they have proven to you time and time again that they are all their fr a short term of passion and a life time of pain. Go to God this year make a change that you may find everlasting life.
This is a good leasson to learn and it helped me to embrace the major change in my life, Walking in Christ.
The seminar at the college is free, it is now on Wednesday nights at 7:00pm due to our seminar at church starting up again, that is on tuesday and thurday nights at
God's Final Warning Ministries
1400 W Main St. Lancaster, Texas 75146
need a ride or more infor mation call
Me 972-227-2150 ---- Pastor office church 972-227-1407.
Look forward to seeing any and all.
Current mood: accomplished
This year has brung about a lot of changes in me. I have been at my job now for 7 months and somedays I love it and some days I wish I would have stayed in bed. The most gifting thing that God, has shown me working at the PLasma Center of Pleasant Grove is that you have different mixtures of people in the world even though we look at one person by what they have and how they look. I like to look at a person at what they could become in the eyes of Christ. If they were only just given a chance and the knowledge on what and how to change for the sake of Christ. I attended a seminar at Paul Quinn College that My Pastor, Pastor Alvin Fuller is Teaching it, on Tuesday nights in the womens dorm room and so many of the students showed up. The first leasson that he taught was called, " Embracing Your Change". This was a new one for me because as many times that I have been to these seminars he had never taught this one or called it this title. I want you to answer these questions that is on the paper that he passed out. They also have scritures to go with them.
"Embacing Your Change"
1. Is change an absolute necessity? If so, Why? John 3: 1-5
2. What is the change that we must embrace? John 3: 4-5
3. Whay is it necessary that we all change? John 3: 6, I Corinthians 15: 45-48, Romans 8: 5-8
4. How can we be sure that I am no longer in the flesh? Galations 5: 19-21
5. How can I tell when I am truly born of the spirit? Galations 5: 22-24, Romans 6: 6-7
6. What will happen if I refuse to change? Romans 8: 13-14
When listening to the bible study and the comments that the younger adults made at the seminar I noticed that many of us go by what our parents taught us about the word of God and they got it from their parents, no one really reads it to get an understanding for themselves. #'s 4&5 are the ones that really got me because it let me know that I have still have things that are not totally of God, to let go of and that is hindering from moving futher in Christ.
It's a good thing that we have a black president, fine and dandy, Pray for him every night that he lets God lead him in the places that he should hope to make a change in. He said something in his speech that stuck with me I can't dierectly quote it but he said even to those that didn't vote for him or believed in him, he is still reaching out a hand to them, but as long as their hands are closed there could be no change, but if they open the tightly closed fist he will give them something to fill it with.
That is the same thing that God is saying to His people, even though many don't believe in Him or even call upon Him, he is still there waiting for that momment when you open up your heart and let Him fill that space that in need of true love, compassion, guidence, help, hope, peace, and everlasting life.
God is who we need to put trust in, not the mony, president, they have proven to you time and time again that they are all their fr a short term of passion and a life time of pain. Go to God this year make a change that you may find everlasting life.
This is a good leasson to learn and it helped me to embrace the major change in my life, Walking in Christ.
The seminar at the college is free, it is now on Wednesday nights at 7:00pm due to our seminar at church starting up again, that is on tuesday and thurday nights at
God's Final Warning Ministries
1400 W Main St. Lancaster, Texas 75146
need a ride or more infor mation call
Me 972-227-2150 ---- Pastor office church 972-227-1407.
Look forward to seeing any and all.
This is a site for believers and non-believers who want to get to know God and or just talk about the everyday things that life puts on us. We are here to cry together and to laugh together. Write freely, but with respect to others.
When times get hard the word Love brings about peace,
when times get rough showing Love brings gratitude,
but when someone one else is in a storm of their own giving Love is a gift all its own. Lets try doing that all day and see how many gifts we receive from that alone.
L- is for the way you look at me
O-is your the only one I see
V-is very very extraordinary
E-is even more than any one could adore
and LOVE is all that I can give to You Love is just a silly game for two, two in Love can make it, take my heart and please don't break it LOVE was made for me and YOU. His Name is Jesus.
when times get rough showing Love brings gratitude,
but when someone one else is in a storm of their own giving Love is a gift all its own. Lets try doing that all day and see how many gifts we receive from that alone.
L- is for the way you look at me
O-is your the only one I see
V-is very very extraordinary
E-is even more than any one could adore
and LOVE is all that I can give to You Love is just a silly game for two, two in Love can make it, take my heart and please don't break it LOVE was made for me and YOU. His Name is Jesus.

- Seeking God For Answers
- Lancaster, Texas, United States
- I am a single mother of four beautiful children. I have had my share of weight of the world and decided to make a page just for people who want to be able to talk about everyday situations and get things off of their chest. Many times the thing that we lack the most in life is someone to talk to and show us unconditional compassion. I am a Christian woman, so many topics that are related to helpful hints to overcome are good. I completed my BA Psychology degree in 2010 at Argosy University. I am currently enrolled in Liberty University in the Master of Arts Marriage and Family Therapist. My goal is to become a Psychologist on the Doctoral level which I hope to start by next fall. I have decided to make this site because it is nice to have someone to talk to every once in a while. So weather you need a poem to write or a shoulder to cry on I am here. I am not trying to do some experiment this is me, I really do care.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
वे से लव बुत मैं हटे
"We Say Love But We Mean Hate"
Current mood: miserable
Category: Life
We say we love God but we constantly do the things that detest Him. We walk around with sin wrapped around our faces and necks legs and thighs, but when asked do we love God we quickly say yes. Since when did love consist of hurting the one ho loves you most. We are blinded by what we feel we need and let God take a back seat when he should be in the drivers seat.
We say we love God but yet our mouths speak things that are death, we wrapp our arms and legs around the things that we feel we just can't let go of. How is that I claim to be a christian but my life shows a portrait of my hate for Christ.
We say we love God but we treat Him as if he is a expensive hamburger bitting every bit but not savoring the flavor or considering the cost. Why do we spend money on worthless things when God is all we need. Why do our bodies crave destestbale things, when I spirit cries out for God, every minute of the day. We are detestable to God and our lives are at the edge of destruction.
Repent Now For Your Sins, that God may look at your heart and see a New Creature, A New Love in You That He Has Never Seen Before. Don't continue to hate my God for he is pleading to you to love Him, crying for you to obey Him, His son has Died for You to Follow Him. Love Him, Let Go Of you Coverings of Sin, Hate, And Deciet, That You may Love and careless about the what it cost to follow Him.
The cost is High:
1. you must give up your life.
2. you must turn over your heart to him to be saved
3. you must be Baptized (symbolizing your death to worldly sin and rising into the
New life of Christ.)
4. you must form a personal relationship with Him, (reading fasting and praying to
---God to reveal in His word your Will for Him.)
5. you must put in your heart all that He commands and walk in obedience to Him.
6. realize that this walk is a struggle and sometimes you may fall but God will help you up to help, you take the blow next time. There is no problem to big for my God.
7. help others to learn the will and way of God.
8. You must always remember none of this is about you, it's all about God and His Will.
9. constanly place yourself in a position to hear a word from God, He will help you out of every situation. He's always there you just have to listen.
10. Sin is a High price to pay for the workers of Christ for we know the word and are held accountable for what we do, even our children face punishment for our sins, become spotless before God, and He will have mercy on you.
I say this prayer, thanking God for sparing my life today for sin is deep in my loins and resting on my heart, my mind is shaken and my heart is broken, but he saw fit to relieve me of my tears and use my fall to help others. I Love my God, I will wrap every inch of my body, mind, heart and soul around You. God I asked that you forgive me of my sins, charge them all to me that I may carry the cross for many who are trying to come to you through me. Lord, have mercy on my children and thos who I have caused to be caught up in my sins. Please,Lord I need your help, I was once your anlgle but somehow I became the enemy, please restore me to your throne that I may fall no more. I Love You and Only You. If take me the rest of my life to eternity I will perform your will. God please once more give me your ears and place me back in your heart, for your child is coming home. Forgive me for I am a sinner who has a purpose of become a bolder Christian. In Your SON JESUS NAME I PRAY AND ASKED ALL THESE THINGS,..AMEN.
Current mood: miserable
Category: Life
We say we love God but we constantly do the things that detest Him. We walk around with sin wrapped around our faces and necks legs and thighs, but when asked do we love God we quickly say yes. Since when did love consist of hurting the one ho loves you most. We are blinded by what we feel we need and let God take a back seat when he should be in the drivers seat.
We say we love God but yet our mouths speak things that are death, we wrapp our arms and legs around the things that we feel we just can't let go of. How is that I claim to be a christian but my life shows a portrait of my hate for Christ.
We say we love God but we treat Him as if he is a expensive hamburger bitting every bit but not savoring the flavor or considering the cost. Why do we spend money on worthless things when God is all we need. Why do our bodies crave destestbale things, when I spirit cries out for God, every minute of the day. We are detestable to God and our lives are at the edge of destruction.
Repent Now For Your Sins, that God may look at your heart and see a New Creature, A New Love in You That He Has Never Seen Before. Don't continue to hate my God for he is pleading to you to love Him, crying for you to obey Him, His son has Died for You to Follow Him. Love Him, Let Go Of you Coverings of Sin, Hate, And Deciet, That You may Love and careless about the what it cost to follow Him.
The cost is High:
1. you must give up your life.
2. you must turn over your heart to him to be saved
3. you must be Baptized (symbolizing your death to worldly sin and rising into the
New life of Christ.)
4. you must form a personal relationship with Him, (reading fasting and praying to
---God to reveal in His word your Will for Him.)
5. you must put in your heart all that He commands and walk in obedience to Him.
6. realize that this walk is a struggle and sometimes you may fall but God will help you up to help, you take the blow next time. There is no problem to big for my God.
7. help others to learn the will and way of God.
8. You must always remember none of this is about you, it's all about God and His Will.
9. constanly place yourself in a position to hear a word from God, He will help you out of every situation. He's always there you just have to listen.
10. Sin is a High price to pay for the workers of Christ for we know the word and are held accountable for what we do, even our children face punishment for our sins, become spotless before God, and He will have mercy on you.
I say this prayer, thanking God for sparing my life today for sin is deep in my loins and resting on my heart, my mind is shaken and my heart is broken, but he saw fit to relieve me of my tears and use my fall to help others. I Love my God, I will wrap every inch of my body, mind, heart and soul around You. God I asked that you forgive me of my sins, charge them all to me that I may carry the cross for many who are trying to come to you through me. Lord, have mercy on my children and thos who I have caused to be caught up in my sins. Please,Lord I need your help, I was once your anlgle but somehow I became the enemy, please restore me to your throne that I may fall no more. I Love You and Only You. If take me the rest of my life to eternity I will perform your will. God please once more give me your ears and place me back in your heart, for your child is coming home. Forgive me for I am a sinner who has a purpose of become a bolder Christian. In Your SON JESUS NAME I PRAY AND ASKED ALL THESE THINGS,..AMEN.
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